Wednesday, August 7, 2013

It is never ending...

...the housework, that is.

I feel like I've always been a very 'put together' person... always looked nice, dressed nice, had a clean house, and I was never, ever late.

Then I had the girls... and I'm rarely dressed nice, I rarely have time to put my make up on, my house is always cluttered and I always feel like I am running late. It's frustrating. I just feel like I am always behind on everything! The fact that these two ladies are mobile now, doesn't help either.

On a brighter note, I am loving watching their little personalities develop. They are just so fun. It's interesting watching them play together... they are so aware of each other and you can just tell that they really love each other. As difficult as it is some days, having twins is a really cool experience.

Maybe that is why I always feel like I'm behind... because I'd rather spend time playing with my girls than I would cleaning. Perfect example: Right now there are two loads of clean laundry sitting on my couch, and I'm about to go play on the floor with the babes.

They are growing so fast, and I know before I know it they'll be headed off to their first day of kindergarten. So, maybe I'm ok with having life be a little chaotic, for now.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Oh, babyweight...

I'm feeling like I will never have my old body back. Someone who has had children, preferably twins, please tell me I'm wrong. It's such a strange feeling though, as much as I miss being skinny, wearing pretty clothes, and feeling sexy, I'm ok with the fact that I look different. I look at these precious little angel babies, and am totally O.K. that I sacrificed my body to bring them into this world. It doesn't hurt that I have a husband who is a sweetheart and makes it a point to tell me how good I look. This might be part of the reason I don't feel overly motivated to start a rigorous workout schedule. Haha. I wish I had someone to workout and run with me- the adult interaction might be enough to really motivate me to start a good workout regime.

Anyway, now that I have weaned the girls completely off the breast, I plan on getting serious with this weight loss. I'm about 10 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight, but I'd like to loose more than that...  maybe a total of 30.

I'm going to start walking/running again tomorrow, and we'll see how it goes. :)

Friday, July 26, 2013

It has been awhile.

I logged into this for the first time in 3 years this morning. I've been thinking for awhile, that I'd like to start blogging... again. But I'd like to really blog... as in, try to write once a week. Last time, I lost interest, got busy, and never kept up with it. So much has changed, and I feel like blogging would help me keep my thoughts straight, and remind me that I have thoughts of my own. Haha

Since I have blogged last, we moved to NJ, I went through three jobs, we got pregnant with twins, and became parents to two precious little girls.

This will be an outlet for my thoughts on faith, relationships, marriage, and motherhood... and I'm sure numerous other random topics. But, I'm fairly certain that the last topic (motherhood) will be most prominent. Haha.

So, here we go!