Sunday, July 28, 2013

Oh, babyweight...

I'm feeling like I will never have my old body back. Someone who has had children, preferably twins, please tell me I'm wrong. It's such a strange feeling though, as much as I miss being skinny, wearing pretty clothes, and feeling sexy, I'm ok with the fact that I look different. I look at these precious little angel babies, and am totally O.K. that I sacrificed my body to bring them into this world. It doesn't hurt that I have a husband who is a sweetheart and makes it a point to tell me how good I look. This might be part of the reason I don't feel overly motivated to start a rigorous workout schedule. Haha. I wish I had someone to workout and run with me- the adult interaction might be enough to really motivate me to start a good workout regime.

Anyway, now that I have weaned the girls completely off the breast, I plan on getting serious with this weight loss. I'm about 10 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight, but I'd like to loose more than that...  maybe a total of 30.

I'm going to start walking/running again tomorrow, and we'll see how it goes. :)


Unknown said...

Once I'm 'fit' again, I love my post-baby body. I felt so much more sexy after I had my twins than before :)

Kelly said...

From pictures, you look amazing! I totally am guilty of worrying so much about the weight. I need to come to the realization that unless I bust my ass every single day I'm not dropping a pound! It's annoying. haha. Best of luck to you!! If I were closer I'd totally be your workout buddy ;) <3 xoxo